Mosquito Identification

What are mosquitoes?
Mosquitoes are small, fly-like insects. This insect has a long, oval-shaped body that grows between an eighth and three-eighths of an inch long and is typically black or brown. Many mosquitoes will also have white, green, or blue markings.
Their extended mouthpart, called a proboscis, is their most unique feature and allows males and females to feed on plant nectar and other sweet liquids. This proboscis also enables females to consume blood meals from people and animals. Females require blood meals to create viable eggs that they then lay on top of standing water.
Are mosquitoes dangerous?
Mosquitoes deliver painful, itchy bites, take over outdoor spaces, and make it impossible to hang out in your backyard comfortably. Not only are their bites unpleasant, but as they consume blood meals, they can acquire different diseases and transmit them to their next host.
Not every mosquito you come across carries a disease, but many do, and each day they infect people with serious and sometimes life-threatening pathogens and parasites. West Nile virus, eastern equine encephalitis, La Crosse encephalitis, and St. Louis encephalitis are just a few of the diseases they transmit. They also spread parasitic heartworm to our dogs.
Controlling mosquitoes and avoiding their bites is essential to protecting your health and your kids’ and pets’ safety.
Why do I have a mosquito problem?
Mosquitoes are a problem for property owners in Mississippi because our warm, humid weather provides them with all the moisture they need to breed and continue their life cycle. The more moisture and standing water present, the more mosquitoes will be near.
Mosquitoes are mostly attracted to properties near areas of standing water where the females can lay their eggs. Lots of vegetation and tall grass also attract mosquitoes as they use them to rest on, away from the heat during the middle of the day.
Where will I find mosquitoes?
Areas that collect water like ditches, tree hollows, tree stumps, pools, or other man-made water features have large populations of mosquitoes living near them. They will also lay eggs in containers like buckets, gutters, pots, trash cans, and rain barrels.
Any property with or close to standing water can develop problems with mosquitoes, but properties located near fields, wooded areas, marshes, and ponds tend to have the most problems with these biting pests.
How do I get rid of mosquitoes?
Unfortunately, mosquitoes are one group of pests that can you can never eliminate entirely. Living outdoors and their ability to fly makes them tricky to contain. But, with the help of a trained professional, you can significantly reduce their presence on your property.
At McCary Pest Control, our professionals will quickly solve your property’s mosquito problems by performing our two comprehensive treatments. The first treatment targets adults and their larvae, and the second treatment targets any areas of standing water on your property.
By partnering with us and implementing our effective mosquito control treatments, you will be able to fully enjoy your yard with family and friends! Learn more about our Tupelo, MS mosquito control services.
How can I prevent mosquitoes in the future?
To help you avoid problems with mosquitoes, we want to offer the following prevention tips:
- Remove areas of standing water from your property where mosquitoes can lay their eggs.
- Store containers that collect water upside down when not in use.
- Do not overwater garden areas and fill in low lying areas in your yard and driveway that collect rainwater.
- If you own a pool or water feature, ensure the water is continuously moving and adequately treated.
- Keep your grass cut short and cut back overgrown vegetation to provide them with fewer spots to rest on your property.
- Make sure open windows and doors in your home have secure screens in them to keep mosquitoes from finding a way inside.
Learn more about our home pest control and commercial pest control services.