How To Keep Bed Bugs Away From Your Tupelo Home

up close image of a bed bug in a home on fabric

Many homeowners in Tupelo believe that a bed bug infestation could never happen to them. After all, their homes and clean and dirt-free. Bed bugs can't infest clean homes – right?


It is a common misconception that bed bugs only infest dirty or messy homes. However, the truth is that they can happen to anyone. Let's explore some of the ways to identify the start of a bed bug issue and what you can do to keep them out for good. 

Identifying The Start Of A Bed Bug Problem

Most bedbug problems start without anyone noticing. The pests are often picked up during travel and carried into the home on luggage, secondhand furniture, or used appliances. Adult insects infest mattresses, furniture, and even electrical outlets near a sleeping area. These pests will begin to breed rapidly, up to 300 eggs per year. Before you know it, an entire infestation may have broken out across your home. 

Below are some ways to prevent bed bug problems from happening in the first place. 

Prevent Bed Bugs In Tupelo With These Easy Steps

If you plan to take a vacation soon, it will be essential to avoid bed bug hotspots as much as possible. These hotspots are usually transportation hubs and hotels, including the most common overnight lodgings like AirBnBs, train stations, bus terminals, and airports. You may also find bed bugs in colleges, elementary schools, and adult living facilities.

Check out a few helpful steps for preventing bed bug infestations from following you home:

  1. Be cautious about buying secondhand furniture or appliances from unknown sources. Be sure to evaluate these items thoroughly for signs of infestation, particularly splatter, excrement, or living bugs. If you do not trust the purchase, look elsewhere for your needs.
  2. Decrease your chances for infestation by storing bags, backpacks, and luggage off the floor while traveling. Keep these on your lap if at all possible, or store them on a high wire rack.
  3. Have your home checked regularly for signs of bed bugs activity, especially if you are suspicious about any bites, scents, or potential live bugs. Investigations from a trained bed bug agency like McCary Pest Control are quick, clean, and efficient. 

If you are still concerned about the possibility of bedbugs on and around your Baldwin home, it is never too late to start treatment. Begin the process by reaching out to McCary Pest Control for an initial inspection. 

How McCary Pest Control Can Help 

Even under the best of circumstances, do-it-yourself (DIY) bed, bug control is never a 100% guarantee. Frequent travels and regular vacations always introduce some form of risk, especially near Tupelo. As the holidays come and go, new arrivals around your home may reintroduce a few bugs or two.

If you genuinely want to ensure that bedbugs never invade your Baldwin home, relying on professional pest management such as McCary Pest Control would be necessary.

At McCary Pest Control, we strive to provide the best possible prevention against bed bugs and other pests. By implementing regular control mediums and establishing proper prevention steps, we can reduce your risks of infestation to a large degree.

If you suspect that bed bugs have gotten into your home, don't waste time on DIY efforts that don't work. Instead, call, click or visit the Tupelo office of McCary Pest Control right away.